Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random Thoughts..

Biases - they are so minutely ingrained in us. I totally hate them!!

I like the couch in my house.. its the hugest couch I've ever seen and very comfortable.

New York is so fast, it's crazy and I love it. No one cares, people are simply racing.

It was the day before yesterday I think.. I rushed into the train trying to reach for a seat and a guy got there a split of a second before me. He asked me to go ahead - and the greed of being seated for those twenty minutes after a tiring day - I did. And then... I felt bad.

Bagel and cheese with vegetables again.. with a small coffee!!

El Erian has been on my now reading list for ages. But now that I've read the comments on Amazon at least I don't blame myself anymore.

God(?) made interesting things to keep us happy and entertained. And then He gave us a strangely wired mind that undervalues everything interesting and deeply overvalues problems and unmet expectations.

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