Friday, January 28, 2011

My mother would be surprised if she found out that in our generation we setup the internet in a new house much before we setup the kitchen. And to take it a step further, I blog too before I open up the five cartons and the three suitcases.

Monday, January 24, 2011


The use of 'Can':
"Can you pick me up from the bus stop?"

"Let's see what the apartment looks like"

At the end of a meeting... "Can"... [Weird!!! Can is not Okay, alright or anything similar!!!]

The woman at the cafeteria, when I ask for coffee: "Sugar - 3?"
I look at her confused. After I've explained I want 1 sugar.. "You are so long that's why I thought you want 3 sugar" [Long!?!? and the relation to sugar!?!?]

Cab driver: "Are you from Mumbai or are you from India?" [Hmmm.. we always thought only the Americans were ignorant]
"Mumbai is in Punjab right?" [Maybe I was actually really weak in geography!!]
"So are you white Indian? People from Mumbai, Punjab are white Indians right?" [I have absolutely no idea what he was smoking!!]