Thursday, February 6, 2020


The irony of life is that we fail to recognize the beauty of people when they are around and it suddenly dawns on us how special they were as soon as they are gone. I revisit my thoughts again and again and I am shocked at how little time I had spent acknowledging that Mamu was the most kind, calm, composed, content and sociable being I had known. Of course I was very close to him and I am inconsolable as I write this, but aside from the love and respect I personally had for him, he was this quiet but strong support for everyone whose lives he touched. He was there. No matter what. He read, watched, followed, admired a variety of subjects, adding a subtle color to his visibly sober personality. And his jokes were epic. His laugh too. My Mamu was very special. I am most sorry about the last days he spent sick. He certainly didn't deserve it and I hope this was a blissful release for him. As for us, it is a huge loss here in this lifetime. It is like an entire chapter coming to an end. Those treks to the confectionaries hunting for the best sweets, his visits when I worked in Delhi, lending his ears as I prepared for my big move to the US, being there.. just being there every single time I was back home. Well, I shouldn't even try to write about this, because these experiences and the place they hold in my life cannot be described with words. You will be missed Mamu, and never forgotten. So long!